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Here you can read the archived customer testimonial from 2012 - 2014
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Testimonials 2012 - 2014

Paul and I did a One-to-One session, I already had a good understanding of photography and needed a refresher for a new range-finder SLR camera I recently purchased. Paul was very informative and made the basics very simple to understand and put into practice.

Rob Garwood (One-to-One private tuition) December 2014

The course was exactly what was promised, well presented, and helped me to learn more about my camera and gave me heaps to practice and develop my hobby…..thanks

Gordon (Practical SLR course) December 2014

The beginner course was just what I required. Prior to the course I had learnt to turn the camera on, Now I am confident to be able to set the camera on manual mode, set the ISO, aperture and shutter speed so as to be able to take a photo in differing light. What seemed very complicated now seems very achievable and enjoyable. Great venue, great practical advice and great value for money.

Murray (Beginners photography workshop) December 2014

I would highly recommend this course to anyone that would like to understand how to take a great photo. When given my new camera for my birthday I was scared to try anything other than automatic point and shoot. Not only do I now know the functions of my own camera, I understand the theory behind the manual adjustments too. I could never go back to auto after seeing the results from this course. Left feeling very proud of my photos and excited at the possibilities.. Thanks Paul, very professional, great communicator.

Nicola T (Beginners photography workshop) December 2014


I went into this course thinking I knew quite a bit about photography and turns out I knew absolutely nothing. This course was fantastic. A great course for those wanting to learn the very basics straight up but still produce professional looking images. Thank you Paul for making the course so easy, fun and achievable.

Elisha (Simply SLR course) November 2014

I’d recommend this course for anyone who has an SLR. Its one thing to have a camera manual or book that explains all the camera settings and theory, but having someone like Paul (who really knows their stuff!) makes the leap of shooting in manual mode infinitely easier!

Andrew (Simply SLR course) November 2014


I was amazed at how much I learnt about manual settings, in one day. I have always enjoyed taking photos, but never ventured to the manual settings, as I found it too hard to understand. Paul explained all the different components in a way that is easy to put into practice and you see instant results in the improvement in your photos. I have now found a new amazing world of photography and am enjoying practicing. I will never go back to ‘Auto’ again. Thank you, Paul

Gaby S (Beginners photography workshop) November 2014


I absolutely loved this course. A good combination of theory and practical. Paul was very clear in explaining how to use the camera and why. I can’t wait to do the advanced course now. I would recommend the beginners course to anyone feeling a little anxious about their camera. I feel confident in navigating the camera’s setting now.

Tracey (Beginners photography workshop) November 2014


I’ve had my camera for 2 years & always wondered what all the funny buttons on the camera was for. Paul explained everything in a way that was easy to understand. The small class numbers meant we all could have time to ask for help and he really cares about how we were going. I have already recommended photo genius to friends & can’t wait to keep taking awesome photos with my new skills.

Ashleigh M (Beginners photography workshop) November 2014


I thoroughly enjoyed the beginner’s course with Paul. It was a small class of 5 so plenty of opportunity to ask questions and ask for help. I have come away with a good understanding of how to use the manual mode and have been practising since. Paul taught the key settings of manual mode in a very understandable manner with pictures to show the effects. I was able to take some great photos at Southbank. I would highly recommend this course to other beginners. Thanks Paul

Jit R (Beginners photography workshop) November 2014

What a fabulous course catering to all ability levels. Paul was an excellent facilitator, obviously very skilful, and able to impart his knowledge with clarity and patience. The day moved along very quickly with just the right mix of theory and practice, and with a group of only 5, everyone was able to receive one-to-one support as needed. South Bank was an ideal setting and lunch at the Ship Inn a great way to refuel before heading out to put theory into practice. A highly recommended course. Thanks heaps Paul.

Helen H (Beginners photography workshop) October 2014


Andrew was great. Concepts were explained in simple terms that were easy to understand and plenty of time to practice the theory.

Tracy C (Beginners photography workshop) September 2014

Great starter course!! The theory is taught from a very practical point of view, which is ideal to quickly get the basics and start experimenting. The time is well managed without rushing. The groups are small (5 in my case) and this means there’s plenty of opportunities to ask questions and get one-on-one feedback. This is especially useful in the afternoon when we go through different settings and start exploring day and low light shooting. I’ve left eager to keep practicing and considering taking the advanced course. Many thanks Paul!

Daniela (Beginners photography workshop) September 201


This was a great fun day that taught me a huge amount about my camera. I now know,what those numbers on the screen mean, and can use them to creat a photo I am happy to share. Paul’s use of a variety of teaching methods meant everyone was able to grasp the principles, and the small group meant plenty of individual attention.

Wendy Cairns (Beginners photography workshop) September 201


A thoroughly enjoyable course where I learnt so much on the day. After the day’s beginner course, I am now confident in using the Manual setting on my DSLR knowing full well how ISO, exposure and F numbers settings interact with each other to produce a high quality photo in Manual mode. As a first timer (as with the rest of the group), we took some amazing photos on the day. I personally didn’t think I was capable of taking such quality ‘Manual’ setting pictures on my first attempt but Paul is a great tutor who definitely knows his stuff and that helped a lot on the day.

Pros – Great course location and value for money.

Cons – The day flew by and the course was over.

Raj (Beginners photography workshop) September 2014

I really enjoyed the beginners workshop. I learnt so much in one day and had great fun. I’ve been using my camera all the time since the course and I understand what I’m doing now! I would definitely recommend this course to beginners. S.B.

Sarah Burke (Beginners photography workshop) September 2014


Really recommend this course for those new to the wonderful world of SLR photography. Until this course I had totally relied on the auto functions of my camera, thinking that the ‘manual’ mode was just too complicated to understand and use for an old amateur. Well Paul changed all that! A great instructor, he kept everything in ‘layman’s language and took time to make sure all participants understood the functions and capabilities of their cameras. Well worthwhile.

Des H (Simply SLR course) September 2014


Great beginner’s course. All the basic information you need to get started and make the most of you camera. Highly recommended and very enjoyable, Paul takes the time to answer all questions and teach any extra tips and tricks.

Cat N (Simply SLR course) September 2014


Having recently purchased a DSLR, I was keen to lean how to actually use it.Within a few hours, Paul had explained some of the many different options to us, and also helped us to set the camera up to get the best out of our photos.The course was jargon free, and i would recommend it to anyone that is looking to learn how to use their DSLR, and want to take better quality photos easily.

Mark H (Simply SLR course) September 2014


Paul had excellent subject knowledge and, of equal importance, teaching skills. I am a mature age “student” with a reasonable understanding of the principals of photography. Paul tailored our session around what I wanted to learn. I enjoyed the 3 hours and was very impressed.

David Rosenblum. (One-to-One photography tuition) August 2014


On behalf of myself and my friend, we would just like to say thank you for two wonderful courses. It has really helped us tighten up our skills and it has taught me that I can now move outside the square and push the boundaries. Your courses were very helpful and Andrew taught us in a way that all levels would have benifited.

Kat & Coral. (Beginners workshop) August 2014


I had a great time learning how to use my camera properly and how to take better photos. Thank you for your time. I really look forward to putting the theory into practice.

M De Souza. (Simply SLR course) May 2014


Thank you very much for a most useful and productive day. I still have a great deal to learn but now that I have spent the time doing your introductory course I look forward to practising and when I get a bit better I may feel confident to do your advanced course.

Many thanks for a very professional day of assistance.

I Turner. (Beginners workshop) May 2014


Great beginners’ course. Really enjoyed it. Great value for money. Would definitely recommend. Paul and Andrew were very easy to get along with and made even complex instructions easy for all to understand.

Tracy H. (Beginners workshop) May 2014


Paul is just amazing! He is a great teacher with an infectious passion for photography and great technical knowledge. He is also very friendly and great in giving you tips to make your photos more artistic. Our group was small and each one of us was given a lot of attention especially during the technical part of the course. The workshop was so great that I did not want it to end. I joined Paul’s team as a photo dummy and I am now confident that next time I will see my exotic animals I will take the best pictures ever! I look forward to joining the advanced and all of the other courses that Paul’s team offers. I highly recommend this course.

Dr O Panagiotopoulou (Beginners workshop) May 2014

Thank you very much for a most useful and productive day. I look forward to practising and when I get better I may feel confident to do your advanced course. Many thanks for a very professional day of assistance.

I Turner (Beginners workshop) May 2014


I would like to thank you once again for your patience and ability to explain in simple terminology the workings of a DSLR camera. I have been battling for years to make the transformation from an analog film SLR to an digital SLR. Your one day beginners workshop opened my eyes to digital photography. I was at a point of smashing my Nikon D90 camera and after your course I now totally love it. I will definitely be doing your advanced workshop next month.

P Marks. (beginners workshop) April 2014

Thank you so much for a great class, I really enjoyed it and got so much out of it!  I have been taking photos both day and night time and will try and get up at dawn!  Its all made sense and I am very grateful!   Also wanted to say thank you for your patience and continual reassurance in our ability to take good photos! I am sure we will be joining your advanced course in the very near future.

K Moses (Beginners workshop) March 2014

This course was just ideal for learning the functions of my camera and using that knowledge to take photos in Southbank.  Paul was a great teacher and very helpful throughout the day.  The course is very well priced and has a good balance between its theory and practical aspects.  I have already recommended it to a friend.   I took the course on 1 April and used that knowledge to take reasonable photos of the Lunar Eclipse last night.

Angelo C. (Beginners workshop) April 2014


I found the course most helpful, well-paced and a great learning environment – good blend of theory and practical. I have done camera courses before and have come away just as befuddled as I went in. This one sank in and has given me the confidence to go further and move from auto to manual. I will be doing your advanced course once I have put into practice what I learned from the initial workshop.

D Hempel (Beginners Workshop) February 2014


I did the Beginners workshop at the weekend and had the best time. After having only been using my camera on Auto up to doing the course I now feel the confidence to use manual and really get my camera working! Paul was great at being able to make the theory side become understandable to a novice like me and with the practical side of taking the photos in the afternoon, he gave just the right amount of input while letting us use what we had learnt. With the group being a limited number Paul was able to give plenty of time to answer questions and much needed advice. Also, with having time for a lovely lunch and a cold cider at the Ship Inn it was all in all a great day!

David Head (Beginners Workshop) February 2014


Just to let you know that I really enjoyed the course today. Andrew was knowledgeable and very patient with us all and a smaller group meant more quality time with him. I will definitely be back for the advanced course.

A Harborne (Beginners workshop) February 2014

Just wanted to thank you and Andrew for the workshop yesterday. I’ve been to a lot of workshops and seminars (not photography) and yours was so good in all respects. Having had a two hour drive to get there I appreciated that it was so well organised and all the necessary info provided beforehand – and it all worked smoothly even down to an unexpected discount on lunch! The content was exactly what I wanted too. I’m looking forward to doing some serious experimenting with my new knowledge and to returning for an advanced workshop when I can sometime in the New Year. Thanks for Andrew’s patience and expertise.

H O’Brien (Beginners workshop) December 2013

I thoroughly enjoyed the day-long beginner’s workshop over the weekend! I am looking forward to honing the tricks I learnt and eventually enrolling into the advanced course in 2014

E Agarwai (Beginners workshop) November 2013


A highly informative course. Great value for money. The first half of the day we covered theory which I wasn’t looking forward to but it was so practical and useful. Paul took the time to show us how to do everything on our own individual cameras, invaluable! We were given dozens of practical ideas for taking photos. I now understand aperture, ISO, and shutter speed and how they affect photos. In the practical section, Paul again took the time to look through our individual photos and give advice. The best $100 ever spent. I will go back for more courses.

C Shand. (Beginners workshop) November 2013


I Just loved the beginners workshop. From knowing absolutely nothing to actually taking some really cool photo’s, and feeling very encouraged to continue learning.

K Hughes (Beginners workshop) November 2013

I learnt so much in the workshop on Wednesday and found the small group along with the classroom and practical format worked so well to actually wrap our heads around everything we were learning. Andrew was absolutely brilliant – a wealth of helpful information and patience! I would recommend anyone interested in stepping outside the automatic camera settings to take this course!

F Corbett (Beginners workshop) September 2013


I highly recommend the Beginners Workshop. Initially, I signed up to learn more about all the buttons on my new, exciting purchase. I had no idea I would walk away feeling like a professional. Not only did I learn about the mechanics of my camera, but the creative possibilities that I now intend to pursue. Our teacher was very professional, supportive and enthusiastic. The pace pace of our workshop had a good balance between theory and practice. Our teacher explained everything well and the small group size allowed for a lot of individual attention. I didn’t want it to end!

D Lewis (Beginners workshop) August 2013


Excellent course, the right mix of theory and practical. Course director Paul teaches in a very good, practical and simplistic mode, converting the techno speak of the instruction book into easy to understand English. The number of participants, 6 in my case, was very manageble and provided good opportunities for one to one questions/answers and encouragement throughout the day.

S Macintosh (Beginners workshop) August 2013)


Having tried to read/understand the instruction book that came with the camera and failed, the camera was used exclusively on ‘auto setting’ which still provided good photos. Having now learned to use it in the manual mode, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities and the ability to use the camera to its full potential which is awesome. Lots of practice still needed, which will be fun. Thanks once again Paul, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

D Ryan (Beginners workshop) August 2013


I enjoyed the day very much and glad that I learned how to use the camera on manual, THANK YOU! It’s money well spent. Now I can put into practice and take great photos.

M Oala (Beginners workshop) July 2013


I really enjoyed the course. It was the perfect combination of theory and practical and I went from never having used manual mode to feeling confident by the end of the day. I’m looking forward to getting out there and practising my newly learnt skills.

S Gan (Beginners workshop) July 2013


10 out of 10 for Paul and his team. Complex concepts explained in a practical ‘how to’ way that made my love of photography even greater. My photos are now all shot on manual thanks to Paul’s team – something I never thought I could do! I’ll be back for some one-to-one tuition to take me to the next level!!

Thanks again for a great course and fun time!’

N Inglis (Beginners workshop) July 2013


My partner and I attended the full day SLR workshop in June after owning our camera for almost 2 years. The course, the day and the experience was brilliant. We wonder why we didn’t attend the course earlier. Paul was patient and has a unique ability to explain things in a way that made the technical stuff easy to understand. Paul was also very helpful in facilitating the evening where I had pre-planned a proposal to my partner under the lights of Southbank. A big thanks to Paul for the day and all the help as well as the great shots. It will certainly be remembered by us

G Ifield (Beginners workshop) June 2013


Doing the workshop with Paul was the best thing I could have done to help me get started. It was well run with small groups that allowed lots of hands on help. Paul is a very encouraging person. Over all it was a really positive and helpful day.

R Walton (Beginners workshop) May 2013


Excellent course and highly recommended. After attending the course I am using on manual mode and getting amazing results. The teacher was great and very professional. My rating is 10/10.

Dr Karthik M (Beginners workshop) May 2013


Great workshop! I would thoroughly recommend it. It’s so much better than another course that I did. The classes are small enough to get individual advice about your own camera. You learn to take photos that you never imagine that you could.

Judy Draper (Beginners workshop) April 2013


Fabulous course! I attended the full day SLR course in the hope of becoming more confident in manual mode; Paul helped me achieve this. Small class size (6 or 7 in mine) and a very student-focused teacher. There’s plenty of one-on-one time, and all my questions were answered. I definitely recommend it.

Amanda Grant (Beginners workshop) March 2013


I attended the full day SLR course last Sunday. Being a complete novice, I’m thrilled to have walked away being completely confident using manual mode. The class size is small so the very helpful and knowledgeable Paul can ensure everyone leaves with their questions answered. It was a wonderful day and so worthwhile. I learnt so much and had great fun in the process. Brilliant.

Susan P (Beginners workshop) March 2013


Highly recommended, I’m just starting out in photography. I found all the tips that Paul provided extremely helpful, as reading all the tech terms isn’t my thing. I learn by doing. I enjoyed myself very much, even though the weather was crappy yesterday. The night photographer was the best. Paul showed me so many techniques, I only hope I can remember them all. Thank you Paul, you keep it simple, and easy to understand.

Robyn Thureson (Beginners workshop) February 2013


Completed the Learn Photography SLR Workshop last weekend and absolutely loved it! Learnt heaps and gave me more desire to go further with my photography. Paul is an excellent presenter. Number of people on the course was just right and allowed plenty of one on one review and advice. Can definitely recommend this workshop to those just starting into SLR photography or those who think they know a bit but want to learn more. Thanks Paul.

Colin Porteus (Beginners workshop) February 2013


I attended the all day Learn Photography SLR workshop on the 5th of Jan, what a great day I came away feeling so much more confident, don’t think I will have the camera on Auto again. Thanks Paul really was a great day.

Teresa McCoombes (Beginners workshop) January 2013


I attended the full day SLR workshop last weekend and found it actually exceeded my expectations. Paul was an excellent teacher, he was professional, student-focussed and kept the class on track. This created an excellent learning environment. I also found the course had just the right balance of theory and practice. Paul’s feedback on our practical work was done in such a way to stimulate my motivation and this I really appreciate. I came away from the day feeling so enthusiastic about my new hobby and now find myself practicing my new skills at every possible opportunity. I will be booking into the advanced course in the near future. Thank you so much.

Chris P (Beginners workshop) January 2013

The day long DSLR course was excellent… just the right balance of theory and practical. I came home with some fabulous photos and, more importantly, the knowledge and know-how to continue taking great photos on my own. Highly recommended!

Jenny T (All day SLR workshop) November 2012


I did the DSLR full day course on Sunday 14th October. Wow! What I didn’t know about my camera would have filled a book. What I now know and really appreciate was taught to me by Paul. It’s amazing what I have learnt. The theory part was so helpful and then to actually put into practice what we had learnt in the morning and so much more was so exciting taking photos into the afternoon/night. The knowledge that Paul has and is so willing to share made it so easy! Ask Paul for help and you get to learn a few photography tricks along the way, just terrific. I now know what my camera can do and that I can take quality photos. I now feel empowered to use my camera to its full potential and after having a play for a few months will definitely be back to do a more advanced course with Paul. Thank you so much for giving up your Sunday with your family to teach novices like me how to appreciate great photography. I look forward to catching up at future courses. I would recommend Learn Photography to anyone regardless of your prior knowledge you will come away inspired.

Anne Cameron (All day SLR workshop) October 2012


The day long DSLR course was excellent, with the theory in the first part of the day underpinning the practice in the second part. Paul is a great instructor, patient and approachable, and I really appreciated his advice throughout the practical part of the day which helped me understand what I could change to get a better or different photo. Manual mode is the way to go! It’s well worth the time and money. Highly Recommended.

Laura Stone (All day SLR workshop) September 2012


This is a fantastic course for beginner SLR users. Classes are kept small, so everybody gets individual attention and feedback throughout the day. The theory session is a great way to start, and although there is a LOT of information, Paul explains things with clarity and gives great examples and analogies so that the theory you have read 100 times before finally makes sense within moments. Paul is very approachable and creates a really comfortable learning environment where no question is considered a silly question. Highly recommended.

Deanna Eldridge (All day SLR workshop) September 2012


It’s extremely useful, effective and absolutely fun course for beginner SLR users to complete. Paul’s extensive knowledge and outgoing personality allows the participants to enjoy a comfortable learning environment that combines a thorough theory session and practice time walking around the Southbank parklands area. This course shows you a lot of the things your fabulous camera can do and you had no idea how to make happen yourself. Paul’s effective teaching techniques, advice and class manuals have been great takeaways for me to continue exploring my camera’s functionalities. Taking a picture will no longer be about pressing one button, it will be about knowing how to tell your camera how to best capture that particular thing that motivated you to take the picture in the first place. Thank you Paul!

Lyisiing O (All day SLR workshop) September 2012


It’s a fantastic course for us beginners! Paul was extremely patient and took time to individualise each student with their questions as the day progressed. The day went extremely fast and it was a very good experience to share your skills with others in the group as well. The classroom basics at the start of the day was the good foundation for how you approached the external part of the day. The course is highly recommended to help start or at least clarify some of the basic techniques of SLR camera photography.

Jason Hay (All day SLR workshop) September 2012


It’s a great course! As a first time SLR user who’d read the theory many times, I finally ‘get’ what the main settings actually do! Paul’s explanations were very clear and easy to understand and the practical session was fun and helped consolidate my knowledge. I now know ‘what’ to do in Manual mode and am enjoying practising and experimenting with the settings. I will definitely consider doing the advanced course once I’ve mastered these new skills!

Alison Power (All day SLR workshop) September 2012

Wow, A perfect mix of theory and practical – I never thoughtI could take the sort of photos I am now taking. Well worth it for any one with a camera, even my point and shoot camera has taken on a new lease of life.

Karen Ledamun (All day SLR workshop) August 2012


Wow it was amazing… I really enjoyed it.. I won’t use auto mode again…. I love my camera more than before… Hope to do a few courses with u very soon… if u have a dslr camerea u wanna really enjoy it just do this course.. it’s worth more than what u pay for it… Thank you very much Paul for your help… hope to see u soon and wish u luck….

Rakitha Weerasinghe (All day SLR workshop) July 2012


I thoroughly enjoyed the Learn Photography SLR Workshop and have taken quite a few photos since then and am pleased to report that I did not use the auto mode at all. That is quite a step up for me. I have taken many thousands of photos since I bought my first camera when a teenager and have never before had the confidence to get away from the auto mode when I thought I may miss a good shot. I am now 77 years old and was quite apprehensive about enrolling in your course because others may think I was past my use by date. However your course has injected a new resolve into my “photography” life and I am enjoying putting into practice the things I learnt on the course. I do intend to enrol in the Advanced SLR Workshop when I return from an overseas holiday at end of September. I will have many opportunities to use my camera during this holiday and hope to get some great photos using the techniques you passed on to us during the course.

Roy Bonning (All day SLR workshop) July 2012

I would highly recommend!! Even I understood…hehe… I can’t believe how much I know now! I can’t wait to get out with my camera in MANUAL mode!!

Jenny Kurypko (All day SLR workshop) August 2012

After attending one of Learn Photography’s courses at Southbank, you will never use Auto mode again on your digital camera. Paul’s detailed knowledge of aperture, shutter speed, depth of field, focal length, ISO settings etc was exceptional and his willingness to share his knowledge and experience provides you with the confidence to only use Manual mode in future. The course also gives you a better understanding of the different features on your camera so that you can use the camera to it’s maximum advantage. After three hours of theory, you are then given the opportunity to put what you have learnt into practice with five hours of practical training under Paul’s careful guidance, so that you gain experience in using your camera in various situations and under different lighting conditions. I would not hesitate to recommend this course to anyone who has just purchased a digital camera or anyone that wants to learn how to use their camera to its maximum advantage.

Peter Swan (All day SLR workshop) June 2012

I just wanted to say a quick thank you for a fantastic day on Saturday. All the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle finally fell into place for me after 10 years of skirting around the edges and getting some nice photos but not having the power to control and manipulate them that I would have liked. It feels like a whole, new series of opportunities have now opened up. I look forwar to seeing you on one of the next courses and have already spoken to a couple of friends who are keen to come along to the introductory and subsequent courses.

James Yerbury (All day SLR workshop) June 2012

Good evening Paul, my name is Karen Hansford. My sister and I did the SLR course on Sunday. We would like to thank you so much for having courses like this available to beginners. Our tutor Andrew was an amazing teacher, so knowledgable and understanding to the whole groups needs. I am heading to Europe in 3 weeks and now feel much more comfortable with taking photos.

Karen Hansford (All day SLR workshop) June 2012

I thoroughly enjoyed the digital SLR course part 1. Paul made the course extremely interesting and very easy to understand. The time devoted to each segment was adequate and I learnt that the operations of my camera had greater capabilities than what I thought. I would recommend this course to all novices, it’s well worth it.

Shirley (SLR course) May 2012


What an amazing course. I had bought my new camera and after reading the manual and also a book simplifying how to use it I still had not got anywhere. In fact I was probably more confused. After a few short hours in the classroom and then putting the theory into practise on the same day I am now more confident that I can take a photo and get good results. Thank you so much.

Lyn Mullins (All day SLR workshop) May 2012

I thoroughly enjoyed the digital SLR course part 1. Paul made the course extremely interesting and very easy to understand. The time devoted to each segment was adequate and I learnt that the operations of my camera had greater capabilities than what I thought. I would recommend this course to all novices, it’s well worth it.

Shirley (SLR course) May 2012

Really enjoyed the course. What a difference a day makes! Loved doing the water and night shots at South Bank. Looking forward to doing the andvanced course in a few months.

J. O’Connell (All day SLR workshop) May 2012

The course was fantastic and really inspired me to take more photo’s with my camera – basically it gave me more confidence, and I can see the results

straight away now I understand some of the settings. It’s already been really useful for me and enabled me to take better photographs for my blog and my

business will benefit as a result.  I am off overseas soon on some travels so I can’t wait to take heaps of pictures !  I actually feel like I see things in a different way since the course and can’t wait to book onto the next one – unfortunately I will have to wait till I finish my travels! Thanks again, it was a great course, I really enjoyed it!

J. Llewellyn (All day SLR workshop) May 2012

I just wanted to say thank you again for the wonderful and informative workshops on the weekend. Your easy going and friendly nature made the day really enjoyable, as did spending the day with other ‘like minded’ people trying to get more from their photography pursuits. I am now finally comfortable shooting manual and more confident with my camera, having practised all the things I am likely to need for some time.

Sharon (All day SLR workshop & Advanced SLR workshop) April 2012


Thank you for the one-to-one Photoshop tuition, it was great to have a tutor all to myself for 3 hrs & concentrate on specific areas that I wanted to learn about. The session was very informative & we covered a lot of areas. I especially liked that we worked on editing my own images while I was there so I could see where to make improvements on my own shots. I’d highly recommend this course for anyone wanting to learn more about the editing side of photography, even if you’re only a beginner like myself as they cater for all levels. I can’t wait to get some practice in & then do another tuition to learn some more!! Many thanks

Nadine (Photoshop one-to-one tuition) April 2012

This is a fabulous course. I went from a point and shoot and hope for the best to a confident aim, adjust and WOW, look at my photos person.

Paul is a very passionate, kind and patient teacher who shared his wealth of knowledge in a way that made all of us novices feel easy and not afraid to stop and ask questions. This is THE photography course for amateur photographers who really need to know their cameras in order to take not good photos but amazing photos.

Krystine (All day SLR workshop) April 2012

Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed your SLR photography workshop yesterday. It was a great day and I’m so happy now that I have a grasp of the scary manual settings on my camera! No more auto for me! I just have to keep practising using my ‘new’ camera! Thanks so much for all your help and patience.

Margaret (All day SLR workshop) April 2012

A fantastic all day beginner SLR course, The theory was explained in a clear and concise manner making it easy to understand what such terms as aperture and shutter speed actually mean and how these affect the type of photos you can take. The afternoon session then put this new found knowledge into practice. Paul was wonderful with feedback given on photos taken and always happy to answer any questions.

Joanna (All day SLR workshop) April 2012

The combination theory/practical course was incredible. I arrived with a complete lack of understanding on how to even operate my camera properly, but Andrew explained in simple terms how the camera works & how to get the most from it. Paul joined us for the afternoon practical session and with their guidance, they took us through an incredible range of shooting options. The results were fantastic. I got so much out of the day and left feeling empowered in my ability to get out there and shoot away. I will be back to do the advanced course further down the track. The course was well worth every cent I paid! Thanks guys for all your help and patience.

Lyn Miles (All day SLR workshop) April 2012

Excellent full day SLR course, from beginners through to frequent SLR camera users, everyone learns a great deal during the day. The morning theory, which covered pretty much everything you really need to know about how an SLR camera works, was presented in very practical way. The afternoon field workshop at Southbank helped reinforce the theory presented in the morning session and finished with some beautiful night shots of the city and the river. Great to have so many professional tips from Andrew during the whole day!

Leslie March (All day SLR workshop) April 2012


The advanced DSLR course was great. It answered all the right questions for me. I really learnt a lot and Andrew was most helpful with everything. I’m definitely heading back to do the studio course!

Simon March (Advanced SLR workshop) April 2012

Thank you for a great day last Sunday. I really learned a lot and enjoyed the way you conducted the class and its activities. I now feel that I have a greater understanding of digital photography and my own camera. I will certainly be trying more challenging shots and subjects.

Neil (All day SLR workshop) March 2012

Thanks again for yesterday, I really enjoyed the class and feel quite confident I can take the camera off Auto and keep it on Manual and know what I am doing! I have also forwarded your website link to a few people I know who are interested in the course I did yesterday… I highly recommended it and have been walking around showing everyone my photos today.

Kellie (All day SLR workshop) March 2012

On behalf of myself and my friend, we would just like to say thank you for two wonderful courses. It has really helped us tighten up our skills and it has taught me that I can now move outside the square and push the boundaries. Your courses were very helpful and Andrew taught us in a way that all levels would have benifited.

Kat & Coral (SLR course and Practical SLR course) February 2012

Paul provided great instruction in an easy to understand way. I highly recommend this business for your SLR photography course. Do it now, you will really enjoy it as I did.

Steve (All day SLR workshop) March 2012


What an amazing course! What an amazing instructor!

Paul I thank you for unlocking the mysteries of my camera. I was most impressed the way you treated us like old friends you had known for years. You gave us all the confidence to ask the dumb questions, not many instructors can do that. I am now not frightened to press buttons and make adjustments on my Canon where I was very cautious before. Thank you so much you have made my interest in photography even greater.

Martyn (All day SLR workshop) February 2012

An all in perfect workshop, the day was run really well by an experienced instructor, Paul Farris, who taught brilliantly, covering the basics of photography. Shutter speed, Aperture and ISO were covered very well and other basics of the camera were taught too. The day was guided well and the techniques learned were able to be practised in perfect conditions and amazing spots through South Bank. I would recommend this course to any beginner photographer wanting to learn how to use their camera.

Paddy (All day SLR workshop) January 2012


The full day course at Southbank is excellent, well worth the money. Both Paul and Andrew are fantastic teachers and I really learnt a lot. It was great to get some practice shots and the class size is small so there is very personal interaction and lots of one on one time. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone. “Thank you Learn Photography!”

Rachel (All day SLR workshop) January 2012


GREAT!! Came along to the course with virtually no understanding of the “Manual” systems within my Canon DSLR camera – came away feeling so much better about how to use it – the systems within the camera, the settings, light, depth-of-field and an understanding of the inbuilt light meter. Sufficient to say we want to join the next level course you offer!

Cheers from Jeff and Debby (One-to-One tuition) January 2012

This was a brilliant course which taught me about many important functions and how to use them on my camera. Paul and Andrew are both fabulous teachers. This course is well worth the time and money. No one will go home disappointed. Thanks!

Melissa (All day SLR workshop) January 2012

I recently participated in Learn Photography’s all day DSLR course at Southbank. I found Paul to be an excellent teacher and explained things very clearly and thoroughly. I felt like I really took a lot away from the day and definitely feel much more confident behind my camera. I would highly recommend this.

Jaime (All day SLR workshop) January 2012


I loved the day SLR Course. Paul gave a lot of great information that was explained very simply. I had only ever used my camera in auto mode and I have not used my camera in auto since. I highly recommend this course

Kim (All day SLR workshop) January 2012

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